About My Natural Calling
My Natural Calling Senior Services was developed while enjoying the company of elders. This passion started when I was just a child of eight years of age. I enjoyed spending time with the elderly people in my neighborhood. While my friends were busy playing childhood games, I would first check on three elderly ladies who lived close by before joining my friends to play. I would help them with their morning chores such as bed making, dish washing and garbage disposal, I had no idea at that time I was developing a passion for a service that I would grow into as an adult. Here I am 46 years later and that same passion that existed then exists today. Most of my knowledge, and experience was gathered by hands on and face to face contact with the elderly. Taking in information while working with great doctors, nurses, and other team members for the past 40 years has given me an edge. Working in facilities skilled and non-skilled for 28 years, then management, and the corporate level of the industry adds the skill needed to help those in search of; choose the best facility, agency, or caregiver to provide service specific to the individual.
Adding education, and researching information on aging, and cultures; along with what comes to me naturally is what qualifies me to assist those in need of my service. Listening to the elderly, and their families gives me personal insight on what they are seeking, and to assure them that I will assist them in finding what is the best fit for them in healthcare servicers. I know what questions to ask, things to look for that is not included in a standard tour. Questions asked during a meet and greet with Marketing, and facility Directors, I know the ones to ask. Continuing to educate myself will make me even more beneficial to what you are seeking. Long-term Care Administration Management, and a Certificate of Completion in Aging Studies (Gerontology), and cultural understanding allows me to provide a more wide range of service to the community that I have total admiration and passion for.
Contact me at mynaturalcallingseniorservices@gmail.com or call(303) 954-0024 at my home office or on my call at (720) 403-6697 to set up an appointment to discuss how I can make the years of your senior life and the life of your family member an enjoyable one.
My Natural Calling Senior Services online Sessions of various kinds that are Senior Care focused in the Specialty of Dementia and Alzheimer's.